Friday, March 23, 2012

Marriage and accountability

So, it appears it has been like a stinking long time since I blogged. Well, Here is the deal. I am going to try to post my quiet times since I do not like writing in journals. This way I can access them at any time if there is something I want to share, encourage someone with, etc.. It is also great accountability. Now that I am married I am very convicted about the fact that I am personally responsible for getting my wife and I to heaven!

I am reading a book about the parables and metaphors of God right now (not sure about rules for blogging but do I reference the book and author or stay ambiguous?).

A lot of cool stuff happening today, At any rate. My 15th spiritual Birthday is today, back in march (and it was a cold March) of 1997 I got baptized in the Eagles hot tub by Brent Stevens and paul brown was filming. It was incredible. But nothing compared to what i would go through after that!

Daniel and Heather Leas are due today, so I am praying that that is incredible.

And Dr. Leas is now ok to say!

Bible Reading for today Joshua 13-15, Luke 1:57-80: Pretty awesome stuff about how Joshua is Getting old and God is like "go". There are still massive areas of land to be taken over (and I want to give them to you, but you have to GO!). God was not OK with Joshua sitting back and growing old feeling good about what he had done. In 13, God shows how he is constantly thinking of his people and using other peoples things to bless his chosen (awesome). 13:14 is interesting to me because he talks about the priests (like evangelists today). He gave them no inheritance. If you are doing God's will then the church should be supporting you (the levites lived off the food offerings presented to God and he promised them their inheritance).
So if you are poor and doing God's will, guess what you are inheriting?

14:6-15awesome for Caleb to be so faithful for 45 years despite the sin of his people. He was fired up to go and take the land, just like he was when he was 40! are we that way? Am I looking to swing the sword and cut some souls for the Lord?

Luke 1: the birth of John the Baptist: 57-62 Zechariah's mouth opened because he obeyed God.

Zechariah's song: It is important to note that Zechariah knew the words of his God and its history. So when he praised God it was with wisdom and Honor. How well do you know your Bible? Can you instruct others and help their faith? Zechariah knew what God had said to Abraham, and prophesied about to what was to come. Are we teaching our children?

Book for today: Parables and Metaphors

Parable of the sower: First they focus on the Eastern Nature of the sower, they would not have farmed the way that we farm in the west. It would have been open plots of land, making this illustration much more understandable.

It would have been very difficult to find land that had not been plowed before, or even land that had a chance to recover from the last crop it yielded. Very interesting. Jesus is the sower (vs. 37). The author talks about the sower, the seed, the soil and the sequence. I am going to read this again tomorrow as it is very intriguing. It is a very meaty book, reading the same 3 pages many times is very possible, some great nuggets in here.

It is great to be digging in, Tune in tomorrow and hold me accountable!

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff bro! I just turned 40 and have been thinking the same stuff. I am convinced that my most vigorous spiritual years are ahead. The great The great thing about about zeal at 40 is that it is spiced with wisdom. Thanks for the post. Looking forward to experiencing God's next victory witcha.
