Saturday, March 24, 2012

Great Saturday

So, Today is for sure a busy day! Had singing practice this AM (Worship) and that was great. Always encouraged by Ian's Leadership and Passion for Music. After that we took Jade Simpson out for Brunch and then dropped her off at her house. Went back up north and switched our Car ins. over to be joint, multi car discount is nice! Then home for some great Married time just relaxing.

We got to reread a chapter in a great book by Learning to Live as one by Randall Alexander. It is incredible. This book really helped us get ready for being married. Talks about resolving conflict, reasons for getting married, Communicating, making decisions, how to spend our money, budget, Intimacy.

What we went over today was called a Man and a women, its about understanding the differences between a man and a woman and our roles in Marriage. It was encouraging Talking about what it means to lead and submit. Jennifer and I had been having a tough time just trying to have times with God and she felt bad about some things with discipline just on a daily basis with our lives and each other. She got to the point where she was very down. In our D-time actually that day Frank Dowd actually talked to me about being gentle (I can be very impatient and super logical and unsympathetic). I sat for two hours or so and helped her biblically and lovingly to see how much God loves her and us and has a great plan for our lives. It meant the world to her. Sometimes for me I get frustrated and walk away angry and then come back and try to iron things out instead of being patient.

This has meant the world to her, just listening, hearing what she feels and trying to help her solve it with God and not my logic is incredible.

Ephesians 5:22-23- Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body of which he is the Savior.

The modern world tries to diminish God's plan in two ways, to define the roles in an extreme manner as if the Man is trying to be a dictator and lord over the wife, making it unreasonable and undesirable. (this obviously is very sinful and perverts God's plan in a manipulative move)

The second way is by watering down the meaning of the roles until they have no real application. Defines the husband as the leader but only when the wife agrees. It also defines her as submissive, but only if the husband is loving and effective in leadership. This appeals to those who seek to appear to be putting the Bible into practice but lack the conviction to do what the Bible says when it differs from what appeals to their thinking on the subject. I am sure this is very challenging. Are you all in in your relationship or are you worshipping God on your terms?

I love that Jennifer has opinions and convictions, there are many things that she does and brings to my attention and I am like "wow, I never thought about it like that!" and she says it is the same with me. A big part of Leading is realizing that you are a servant and listening, and a large part of submitting is respecting that you chose to be with this person and choosing to value their judgement and discretion. We feel we are both flexible but that we definitely will voice the truth if we feel each other are in error. How open is your relationship? Is your wife afraid to talk to you for fear of being shot down? Does your husband feel that he is responsible for helping to get you to heaven or do you "Got it covered?" Jennifer is very grateful that I take our spiritual well being personally.

Anyhoo, time to go celebrate the wedding of my Friend Lee Estep and the 40th (yes I know its unbelievable) birthday of Leslie Price!

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