Monday, November 15, 2010

A Year Later, What Happens when you give it to God?

This is really cool I found this after about 1.5 years and since then I have been engaged and married! very cool

Wow, it has been a year? NO WAY!

It is incredible what God has done in my life in that time period. I have really gotten back to the basics of Loving God, obeying his commands, and letting Him have control. While I still lack many things, I am back to Loving God. I am still working on softening my heart, but I have gotten a little more Humble (watch out for the lightning).

I am grateful for what I have been through, it is really not as epic in reality as what it seems to be to me. I mean of all the people that have great stories of life changing events, I feel like mines ranks at like a 2.5 out of ten for extravagance. I have learned many things. How to not put my security in relationships but to fight for my relationship with God. I have learned much about what it is to be a godly man and to make decisions based on conviction and prayer. To own up to my downfalls and not lie. Most of all I am really trying to have integrity and be disciplined. Integrity is getting there. Discipline, man that is hard. I want to do and be so much! How do I say NO!?!?!

I am grateful for the people in my life, friends at church, roomates, my wonderful Girlfriend Jennifer, my parents, and for GOD giving me second chance after second chance.

Are you giving God what is his? What is his, everything right?

Ron Drabots message Sunday really cut me about the book of Haggai and how the people of Israel had not obeyed God and given him what was his, He punishes them. GOd will open the floodgates once you really give HIm what you should.

Great things are happening, I cannot wait to see what the new year brings.

I am in love with God and his Kingdom, Look out world! Ryan is back